How to use turkey tail mushrooms

Are turkey tail mushrooms edible?

Turkey tail mushrooms (Trametes versicolor) are indeed edible, but they are not typically consumed in the same manner as more common culinary mushrooms due to their tough and leathery texture. Instead, they are often used for their medicinal properties and can be prepared in various forms to make them more palatable and beneficial.

Common Preparations:

Tea: One of the most popular ways to consume turkey tail mushrooms is by making tea. The mushrooms are typically boiled for an extended period to extract their beneficial compounds.

Powder: Turkey tail mushrooms can be dried and ground into a powder, which can then be added to smoothies, soups, or other dishes.

Tinctures: Another common method is making tinctures, where the mushrooms are soaked in alcohol for several weeks to extract their medicinal properties.

Supplements: Turkey tail mushrooms are also available in capsule or tablet form, making it easy to incorporate their benefits into a daily routine.

Turkey Tail Mushrooms Texture and Taste

how to use turkey tail mushroom

Turkey tail mushrooms are known for their tough, woody texture, which makes them unsuitable for direct consumption like other edible mushrooms such as portobellos or shiitakes. They have a mild, somewhat earthy flavor but are not particularly tasty on their own.

How to prepare turkey tail mushroom

Turkey tail mushrooms (Trametes versicolor) are renowned for their medicinal properties rather than their culinary appeal due to their tough and leathery texture. Here are several methods to prepare them for consumption:

Turkey Tail Mushroom Tea


    • Fresh or dried turkey tail mushrooms
    • Water
    • Optional: honey, lemon, ginger, or other herbs for flavor


    1. Clean the Mushrooms

    • Method: Use a damp cloth or a soft brush to gently remove any dirt or debris from the mushrooms. Avoid soaking them in water as this can make them waterlogged and affect their texture and potency.
    • Tip: If you are foraging your mushrooms, make sure to trim off the part that was attached to the log using kitchen shears or a knife to remove any tough or dirty sections.

    2. Chop the Mushrooms

    • Method: Cut the mushrooms into small pieces. This increases the surface area, allowing for better extraction of the beneficial compounds during the boiling process.
    • Tip: If using dried mushrooms, you can break them into smaller pieces by hand or use a knife.

    3. Boil the Mushrooms

    • Method: Place the chopped mushrooms in a pot with water. A common ratio is one cup of mushrooms to five cups of water.
    • Tip: Using purified or filtered water can enhance the quality of the tea.

    4. Simmer

    • Method: Bring the water to a boil, then reduce the heat to a simmer. Let the mushrooms simmer for at least one hour to extract the beneficial compounds. For a more concentrated tea, you can simmer for up to 24 hours.
    • Tip: If simmering for an extended period, you may need to add more water to compensate for evaporation.

    5. Strain and Serve

    • Method: After simmering, strain the mushrooms out of the liquid using a fine mesh strainer or cheesecloth.
    • Tip: Press the mushrooms gently to extract as much liquid as possible.

    6. Add Flavorings (Optional)

    • Method: You can enhance the flavor of your turkey tail mushroom tea by adding honey, lemon juice, ginger, or other herbs.
    • Tip: Adding a bit of honey or maple syrup can help balance the earthy flavor of the mushrooms.

    Useful Tips:

    • Storage: If you make a large batch, you can store the strained tea in the refrigerator for up to a week. Reheat as needed.
    • Blending with Other Teas: Turkey tail tea has a mild, earthy flavor that can be blended with other teas such as green tea, chamomile, or mint for a more pleasant taste.
    • Health Benefits: Turkey tail mushrooms are known for their immune-boosting properties, thanks to their high content of antioxidants and polysaccharopeptides (PSP and PSK), which have been shown to support immune function and may help in the treatment of certain cancers.
    turkey tail mushroom tea


    French Press Method

    1. Ingredients:
      • ¼ cup chopped turkey tail mushrooms
      • 2 cups boiling water
      • 2 tsp loose leaf tea of your choice
      • Optional: honey, maple syrup, lemon
    2. Instructions:
      • Chop the mushrooms into small pieces.
      • Add the mushrooms and loose leaf tea to your French press.
      • Pour in the boiling water and let it steep for 45-60 minutes.
      • Press and pour into cups. Add honey, maple syrup, or lemon to taste.

    Quick Simmer Method

    1. Ingredients:
      • 2-3 tablespoons dried turkey tail mushrooms
      • 2-3 cups water
    2. Instructions:
      • Bring the water to a boil.
      • Add the dried mushrooms.
      • Reduce heat and simmer for 15-20 minutes.
      • Strain and serve. Add honey or maple syrup if desired.

    2. Turkey Tail Mushroom Broth

    Turkey tail mushroom broth is a nutritious and flavorful base for soups, stews, and other recipes. Here’s a detailed guide on how to prepare it:


    • Fresh or dried turkey tail mushrooms
    • Aromatics (e.g., garlic, onion, bay leaves)
    • Water
    • Optional: carrots, celery, black peppercorns, ginger, thyme, soy sauce


    1. Prepare the Mushrooms

    Clean the Mushrooms: Use a damp cloth or a soft brush to gently remove any dirt or debris from the mushrooms. If necessary, give them a quick rinse under running water, but avoid soaking them.

    Chop the Mushrooms: Cut the mushrooms into small pieces to increase the surface area for extraction.

    2. Simmer with Aromatics

    In a large pot, add the chopped turkey tail mushrooms and your choice of aromatics. Common choices include:

    • Garlic: Halved or crushed cloves
    • Onion: Chopped or halved
    • Bay Leaves: 1-2 leaves
    • Carrots: Chopped
    • Celery: Chopped
    • Black Peppercorns: A few whole peppercorns
    • Ginger: Sliced
    • Thyme: Fresh sprigs or dried
    • Soy Sauce: For added umami flavor

    Add Water: Pour in enough water to cover the ingredients, typically about 8 cups for a rich broth.

    Bring to a Boil: Heat the pot over medium-high heat until the water reaches a boil.

    Simmer: Reduce the heat to low and let the mixture simmer for several hours. A minimum of 1-2 hours is recommended, but simmering for up to 4-6 hours can yield a more concentrated and flavorful broth. Keep an eye on the water level and add more if necessary to keep the ingredients submerged.

    3. Strain and Use

    Strain the Broth: After simmering, strain the solids from the liquid using a fine mesh strainer or cheesecloth. Press the solids gently to extract as much liquid as possible.

    Season: Taste the broth and season with salt or additional soy sauce if needed.

    Store: The broth can be used immediately or stored in the refrigerator for up to a week. For longer storage, freeze the broth in airtight containers or ice cube trays for up to 3 months.

    Uses for Turkey Tail Mushroom Broth

    Soup Base: Use the broth as a base for soups, such as vegetable, chicken, or noodle soups.

    Stews and Casseroles: Incorporate the broth into stews and casseroles for added depth of flavor.

    Cooking Grains: Use the broth instead of water to cook grains like rice, quinoa, or barley for an extra boost of nutrition and flavor.

    Sauces and Gravies: Use the broth as a base for making savory sauces and gravies.

    Feel free to experiment with additional herbs and spices to tailor the broth to your taste preferences.

    3. Turkey tail powder 

    Turkey tail mushroom powder is a versatile way to incorporate the health benefits of Trametes versicolor into your diet. Here’s a detailed guide on how to prepare and use turkey tail mushroom powder:


    1. Dry the Mushrooms


    • Method: Use a damp cloth or a soft brush to gently remove any dirt or debris from the mushrooms. Avoid soaking them in water as they can become waterlogged.
    • Tip: Trim off the part of the mushroom that was attached to the log using kitchen shears or a knife to remove any tough or dirty sections.


    Using a Dehydrator:

    • Setup: Lay the cleaned mushrooms on dehydrator trays in a single layer, ensuring they do not overlap.
    • Temperature: Set the dehydrator to 95-100°F (35-38°C).
    • Duration: Let the mushrooms dry for about 24-36 hours. Rotate the trays every 6-8 hours if you have multiple trays to ensure even drying.

    Using an Oven:

    • Setup: Lay the mushrooms on baking trays in a single layer, making sure they do not overlap.
    • Temperature: Set the oven to the lowest possible temperature, usually around 200°F (93°C).
    • Process: Place the trays in the oven and keep the oven door slightly open (about 3-4 inches) to allow moisture to escape.
    • Duration: Let the mushrooms dry for about 24 hours, rotating the trays periodically to ensure even drying.

    Air Drying:

    • Setup: Spread the mushrooms out on a screen or paper towels in a cool, dry area with good airflow.
    • Process: Turn the mushrooms over once a day to ensure even drying.
    • Duration: Air drying can take several days, depending on the humidity and temperature of your environment.

    2. Grind into Powder

    Once the mushrooms are completely dry and brittle, grind them into a fine powder using a coffee grinder, spice grinder, or food processor.

    3. Use the Powder

    • Smoothies: Add a teaspoon of mushroom powder to your daily smoothie for an immune-boosting kick.
    • Soups and Sauces: Stir the powder into soups, stews, or sauces to enhance their nutritional profile.
    • Teas: Mix the powder into hot water or your favorite tea blend to make a nutritious mushroom tea.
    • Baking: Incorporate the powder into baked goods like bread, muffins, or cookies for added health benefits.
    • Capsules: If you prefer, you can encapsulate the powder using a capsule maker for easy consumption.

    Store the turkey tail mushroom powder in an airtight container to protect it from moisture and humidity. Keep the container in a cool, dark place to avoid exposure to light, which can degrade the quality over time.

    Label the container with the name and date of the powder to keep track of its freshness. Properly stored mushroom powder can last for up to a year, but it’s best to use it within six months for optimal potency.

    4. Turkey Tail Mushroom Tincture

    Making a turkey tail mushroom tincture is a great way to extract and preserve the medicinal compounds of Trametes versicolor. Here’s how to prepare it:

    turkey tail mushroom tincture


    • Dried turkey tail mushrooms
    • Alcohol (e.g., vodka, ideally 80-95 proof)


    1. Prepare the Mushrooms

    • Clean the Mushrooms: Use a damp cloth or a soft brush to gently remove any dirt or debris from the mushrooms. Avoid soaking them in water to prevent them from becoming waterlogged.
    • Dry the Mushrooms: If the mushrooms are not already dried, dry them using a dehydrator set to 95-100°F for 24-36 hours, or in an oven set to the lowest temperature with the door slightly open for about 24 hours.

    2. Steep in Alcohol

    • Chop or Grind the Mushrooms: Cut the dried mushrooms into small pieces or grind them into a coarse powder using a coffee grinder or food processor. This increases the surface area for extraction.
    • Combine with Alcohol: Place the chopped or ground mushrooms in a clean glass jar. Pour enough alcohol over the mushrooms to completely cover them. A common ratio is 1 part mushrooms to 5 parts alcohol by volume.
    • Seal and Store: Seal the jar tightly and store it in a cool, dark place. Let the mixture steep for at least 2-4 weeks, shaking the jar gently every few days to ensure even extraction.

    3. Strain and Bottle

    • Strain the Mixture: After the steeping period, strain the mushrooms out of the liquid using a fine mesh strainer, cheesecloth, or a coffee filter. Press the mushrooms gently to extract as much liquid as possible.
    • Bottle the Tincture: Pour the strained liquid into dark glass dropper bottles to protect it from light. Label the bottles with the date and contents.

    Use the Tincture

    • Dosage: Use a few drops to a full dropper (about 1-2 ml) of the tincture in water, tea, or directly under the tongue. Start with a small dose and adjust as needed.
    • Storage: Store the tincture in a cool, dark place. Properly stored, the tincture can last for several years.

    Tips for Making a Stronger Tincture

    For a more potent tincture, you can perform a double extraction, which involves both alcohol and water extraction to capture a broader range of medicinal compounds.

    • First Extraction (Alcohol): Follow the steps above for the alcohol extraction.
    • Second Extraction (Water): After straining the alcohol, take the leftover mushroom material and simmer it in water for 2-4 hours. Strain the water extract.
    • Combine Extracts: Combine the alcohol and water extracts in equal parts. This method ensures that both water-soluble and alcohol-soluble compounds are extracted.
    Floris - Author of

    Floris - Author of

    Passionate mushroom hunter and grower. I am fortunate to have learned from some of the best mushroom experts in the field! When I’m not writing mushroom articles, I can usually be found hiking and identifying native mushrooms in different parts of the world.

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